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Category: thoughts

getting darker

Era o noapte fără lună, neagră și neiertătoare

Perna lui era lipită de pieptul meu, mângâiată, mirosită, strânsă puternic în brațe

Încercam să trag toată căldura din cameră înăuntrul meu

Altfel aș fi înghețat de frică

Noaptea și umbrele ei amenințau să mă înghită de vie

Luna nu îmi mai lumina fereastra

Era cea mai neagră noapte de care avusesem parte cu tine

Fără tine

O jumătate de viață pierdută în visare

Două lumi ce se întrepătrund, 

doar una cufundată în întuneric

La umbra unui vis.

the cold

You get cold when it’s freezing outside.

I go cold when it’s freezing inside… me. 

Quite often.

Sometimes my heart trembles, not only when you’re making love to me.

You can hear it… you can hear it when you hold me in your arms… beating so fast, so that it makes you come closer… You put your ear down to my chest and you listen.

Not so cryptic the language, not like the things I write in my secret diary.

Make love to me while the wind is howling… 

It was winter and you were keeping me away from the cold.

Homely arms, 

your own clothes and your scent

Fire kisses

and just a dream

terrifyingly beautiful

You, me and a rock.


My love is just like any other love. 

Powerful. Weak. 

I doubt. I fear.

I hurt. I get hurt.

I get mad. I get strong.

And all along, I learn.

I don’t express it through the words I love you, not so often. But I express it in any way that I am. I express it in my kisses and my caress, in my poems and my goodnight message. After I say goodnight, I turn off my wifi and I go to sleep.

Because I didn’t send it to receive an answer, a sweet message back. I did it because this is how I feel, I want you to enjoy the night and I wish you to sleep well.

I show my love not only in what looks good (a smile, a dress fallen on the floor, connection moments, funny jokes etc). I show my love also when I’m angry, when I’m anxious, when I fear, when I don’t hide and show myself just as I am. I show my love when I don’t pretend to be somebody else, a perfect person without any flaws.

I show my love when I am light, I show my love when I am dressed in shadows.

~It creeps into my chest, uninvited and untamable

It’ll bring you to your knees… if you did it right 

What I know for sure about love is that you never come out of it the same

You can feel it… the secret under your tongue

Burning like fire, but sweet… And it creeps up to your cheeks and makes you smile

And suddenly, you look down and you see your heart’s veins reaching, reaching, clinging to someone else’s heart.