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Category: poems

picături de iubire

picături de iubire,

de stele

și șampanie…

mă umpli de tine,

paharul meu dă peste

îmi e bine cu tine…

transparența emoțiilor

e pecete de frunte;

lacrimi sărate

s-au scurs pe fețele noastre,

eu am plâns,

tu ai sorbit de pe obrajii mei

picături de iubire…


I like the rain-

-pouring at my window

homemade cookies,

and familiar scents

I like to write to you-

-late at night,

and put all my extreme emotions

into a white and clear doc,

then send it to you… 

I like to hear your morning voice-

-the audio from my phone… 

And about my fears… 

I take them with me everywhere I go,

because they’re mine… 

and they are pretty in their shades of blue;

I like the peace of mind I get from yoga

and the rain

I like rain…

the 2nd time


kiss the pavement

shadows and red curtains 


untie my hair

waterfalls of light

his smile

a conversation about home

poetry days and nights

written deep on skin

I like to talk

it happened after I touched the orange light

the second time.


primul gest-

aprind o lumină

în cameră

sau în mine

depinde de culorile de pe moodtrackerul meu;

azi am citit poezie

o caut adesea în persoanele de pe stradă,

în luminile din noapte,

sau în zgomotul orașului;

sunt tot haotică,

nu reușesc să fiu altcumva 

de 10 luni… 

așa eram și înainte, 

nu m-am schimbat deloc, 

doar că atunci trăiam mai bine poezia pe care o scriu acum 

la miezul nopții

acum scriu mai rar,

trăiesc în gânduri și petrec timp cu blue,

mi-a ținut prea mult companie

și m-am obișnuit așa



dansez cu blue, 

cu frica mea.


My emotions-

wild rivers

I bask into them

and sometimes the water sets me on fire

Just like Bukowski’s Burning in water, Drowning in flame

And when I put my lips on you

You feel my desire-

madness to posses

the woman

with pale skin

and red cheeks while she’s making love;

the poet

that writes for you late at night

when everybody’s sleeping

I press my mouth onto yours,

and I scream with pleasure…

And then I scream again-

this time, in the empty space

But you can’t hear



and fear

Absolute silence…

I could play a mad woman

in a movie,

I look just like that

static and numb

Until I come back to you and I open my mouth once more

This time, a different movement of my lips

I whisper slowly and you understand

We need a dreamcatcher, love…

sărută-mi gâtul

o să port rochii ușor de dat jos,

rochii în nuanțe deschise pentru zilele luminoase

și niciuna pentru întunericul nopții

sărută-mi gâtul

ușor, ca o rază de soare

pentru zilele cu gust de sare de mare

sărută-mi gâtul

violent, apăsat

pentru zilele în care mă dorești prea tare

există oare 

vreun sens

pentru cuvintele 

prea tare?

îl caut adesea desenat în palmele tale

le cer în mod repetat să-mi arate,

le rog deliric să-mi atingă buzele însetate

prea tare, cu intensitate.


A hand full of daisies

and the sun in her smile

a different kind of oasis

rosemary and thyme

warm hands

cool sheets

home in the time of lavender

apricot lips

she was asking for one thing

give me your now, if you want to… 

forever doesn’t interests me

since forever is a fairy tale

with vampires 

and immortal life

aesthetics of love

I have days of peace

and fevers

I have cold hands,

but my body burns

under your touch

My cheeks burn

quite easily

my fingers are looking for yours,

my nails crave your back,

and my nose loves your scent,

my whole being seeks destruction

when I open up

my box with emotions,

my soul craves balance

and I find it in your arms

sometimes I find it difficult

to speak my truth 

and show my fears,

but we have beautiful bodies

who combine perfectly…

Consume me…

To love is good

under the starless sky

in a man’s arms

To break is good

under the touch of a hand

in a bed with white sheets

To drink is good

when you long for someone

and you cry poetry

To talk is healing

when you kept quiet for years

and you almost forgot the sound of your own voice

To sing is good

For you beloved, in his kitchen

when you’re making pancakes

To sleep is better

when you read together and you fall asleep on his chest

and he stays still so you can keep dreaming… 

Love is consuming

like a hot summer day that leaves you sweaty and tired

but blissful and with a foolish smile on your face…